Apart from the limited exceptions set out in this policy, the Trust does not charge for activities provided during the school day1, including the supply of materials, books, instruments, or other equipment.
The limited exceptions set out in this policy are activities deemed to be optional extras and, in these circumstances, the Trust may make a charge. The Trust provides support to families on low incomes in respect of activities for which there is a charge as set out in this policy.
The Trust may ask parents for voluntary contributions. This policy sets out when and how this may happen.
There will be no charge for the following:
1 If 50% or more of the time spent on an activity occurs during school hours, it is deemed to take place during the school day. Time spent on travel counts in this calculation if the travel itself occurs during school hours. School hours do not include the break in the middle of the day.
A residential visit is deemed to have taken place during the school day if the number of school sessions taken up by the visit (a school day is divided into two sessions, morning, and afternoon) is equal to or greater than 50% of the number of half days spent on the visit (where a half day is a period of 12 hours ending at noon or midnight).
There may be a charge for the following:
In calculating the charge, an amount may be included in relation to the following costs:
The charge made in respect of individual pupils will not exceed the actual cost of providing the optional extra activity, divided equally by the number of participating pupils.
It will not, therefore, include an element of subsidy for any other pupils wishing to participate in the activity whose parents are unwilling or unable to pay the full charge or the cost of alternative provision for any pupils who do not wish to participate. This also means that the charge will not include the cost of supply teachers to cover for those teachers who are absent from schools accompanying pupils on a residential visit.
2 This could include the cost of materials where parents have indicated in advance that they would like their child to bring home the finished product.
The charge for the activity will be set out clearly in advance. A pupil’s participation in an optional activity will be based on parental choice and an agreement to pay the charge. The school will need to have the agreement of parents before organising the provision of an optional extra where charges will be made.
Charges for school lunches are determined by the Trust annually, based on the cost of provision. Charges for extended day services and nursery provision over and above the free entitlement are agreed as part of the annual budget setting process. All other charges allowed within this policy are determined by the Head of School.
In some circumstances the Trust or school may remit (wholly or partly) any charge set out in this policy.
The Trust is dedicated to ensuring equal opportunities for all pupils, including access to specialised music tuition. Where a school makes music or vocal tuition available to pupils outside of the curriculum (but within the school day), the charge will be remitted for pupils entitled to a free school meal3. There is no charge for vocal or instrumental tuition for children in care. This includes instruments, music books and exam fees.
The trust will also remit any charges for board and lodging for residential trips for pupils entitled to a free school meal3.
The school may choose to subsidise part or all the payment of some charges for other activities and pupils, and this will be determined by the Head of School.
Schools within the Trust may ask for voluntary contributions to the school for general funds and/or to fund specific activities that will enrich pupils’ education.
In any case where an activity cannot be afforded without voluntary funding, this will be made clear to the parents by the school. If there is insufficient funding for an activity, then it will be cancelled. If the activity is cancelled all monies paid will be returned to parents.
There is no obligation for a parent or carer to make any contribution and the school will not put pressure on parents to contribute. The Trust is committed to ensuring fair access and treatment of all pupils, and this means ensuring that no child is excluded from an activity because the parents or carers of that child are unwilling or unable to pay. The identity of the child or parents of the child who did not want to make the payment, or could not make the payment, will not be disclosed under any circumstances.
3 Free School Meals in this context relates to the entitlement to a free meal by virtue of low family income and does not include those receiving a lunch as part of the Universal Infant Free School Meal arrangements. Schools can assist families in checking eligibility and will always do so with the utmost regard for confidentiality and discretion.
Where school property has been wilfully or recklessly damaged by a pupil or parent, the school may charge those responsible for some or all the cost of repair or replacement.
Where property belonging to a third party has been damaged by a pupil, and the school has been charged, the school may charge some or all the cost to those responsible.
Whether or not these charges will be made will be decided by the Head of School and dependent on the situation.