The Redstart Learning Partnership (TRLP) is committed to equality and valuing diversity and actively supports practices that promote genuine equality of opportunity for all staff and students.
TRLP is committed to promoting a positive and diverse culture in which all staff and students are valued and supported to fulfil their potential irrespective of any protected characteristic
TRLP recognises its obligations under the Equality Act 2010 and is committed to promoting the equality and diversity of all those we work with especially our employees, students and visitors. We oppose all forms of unlawful and unfair discrimination, bullying and harassment and will make every effort to comply with the requirements of the Equality Act 2010 and its subsequent provisions.
The following groups have been identified as key recipients in terms of the implementation of this policy:
This policy and all associated procedures apply to all staff (including volunteers and students on placement), young people and visitors and should be read in conjunction with our suite of HR, Curriculum and Safeguarding policies.
Failure to comply with these policies and procedures may result in disciplinary action. Discriminatory treatment, bullying or harassment of staff or students by visitors will also not be tolerated.
This policy has been developed in response to the Equality Act 2010 and replaces previous policies relating to race, gender and disability equality. It has been designed to help the school meet the duty to:
Eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment, victimisation and other prohibited conduct.
Advance equality of opportunity between those who have a protected characteristic and those who do not.
Foster good relations between those who share a protected characteristic and those who do not.
The Equality Act 2010 defines nine protected characteristics, which are:
Staff, Trustees, and Teaching and Learning Committee (TLC) Members will:
Equality and diversity principles based on the above aims will be embedded in our daily practices, policies and the processes of decision-making, including:
TRLP acknowledges its legal duties to publish information on compliance with the three strands of the public sector equality duty and, in addition, to publish specific and measurable equality objectives.
TRLP will work across the school community to analyse data and existing practices to set out the actions taken in compliance of the equality duty and to inform the setting of relevant equality objectives to support the development of the school and its community.
The information on the equality duty will be updated annually and the objectives every 4 years. Publication of our equality objectives takes place within this policy document.
The designated senior member of staff with overall responsibility for all equality and diversity matters at Castle Primary School is the Head of School.
It is the responsibility of all staff to:
We will actively seek to make reasonable adjustments, where there is a need to ensure that a disabled person has the same access to everything as a non-disabled person, as far as is reasonable. We will take positive and proactive steps to remove, reduce or prevent the obstacles faced by a disabled individual, as far as is reasonable.
We will allow amendments/adjustments to the school uniform for cultural or religious reasons. Please see individual school-level uniform policies for further details.
Our admissions criteria are defined under the admissions policy and are applied consistently to every young person, irrespective of any protected characteristic.
The curriculum is crucial to tackling inequalities for pupils including gender stereotyping, preventing bullying and raising attainment for certain groups. The principles of equality and diversity are embedded in our academic and social curriculum. Positive and proactive steps will be taken to prevent discrimination against, or victimisation of, any student in the provision of education or access to any benefit, facility or service including educational trips, work experience and leisure activities.
The decision to exclude a child for a fixed period or permanently is a last resort. Our exclusion criteria are defined under the behaviour policy and are applied consistently to every student, irrespective of any protected characteristic.
All employees, whether part-time, full-time, temporary or permanent will be treated fairly and equally. We will avoid unlawful discrimination in all aspects of employment including recruitment, promotion, opportunities for training, pay and benefits, discipline and selection for redundancy. Selections will be made on the basis of aptitude, ability and/or merit, where appropriate.
Where appropriate, TRLP will endeavour to make all reasonable and effective adjustments during the recruitment and selection process. Where recruitment and selection is carried out by a third party, on behalf of TRLP, we will take all reasonable steps to ensure they adhere to the principles of this policy.
All incidents of discriminatory treatment, bullying and harassment must be reported to senior staff and recorded as soon as is reasonably possible (and in any event within 24 hours of the incident). All bullying-related incidents (confirmed or otherwise), will be addressed in accordance with our Anti-Harassment and Bullying Policy (available here).
If an individual believes that they have been discriminated against, harassed or victimised, they are asked to follow, as appropriate, our complaints or grievance procedure (both available here).
The designated senior member of staff with overall responsibility for the implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the ‘Equality and Diversity Policy’ is the Head of School.
Additional support would also be provided to any parent or significant person, wishing to know more about the policy and procedures outlined above. A copy of this policy document is available for inspection on the premises during office hours and an electronic copy is posted on our website.
This Equality Policy, Statement and Objectives will be reviewed annually.
TRLP maintains the following equality objective across the organisation:
Each TRLP school has school specific equality objectives, depending on the circumstances of the school. At Castle Primary School the school specific equality objectives are: