At Castle Primary School, we are committed to promoting a safe and healthy lifestyle for our pupils, teaching the skills and knowledge needed to lead happy, healthy lives that are built on the foundations of strong and successful relationships which is underpinned by our learning intentions; independent, resilient and empathetic learners.
In order to ensure our pupils are able to live spiritual, happy and healthy lives, we recognise the need to create a mentally healthy environment for our pupils. For this reason, we aim to deliver PSHE in an environment that ensures children feel safe, valued and have a sense of belonging. Creating the right classroom climate is essential to ensure all children feel they can contribute fully and engage in, what are often, more sensitive issues. Our three learning intentions (to create independent, resilient and empathetic learners) underpin the teaching and learning experiences. By encouraging and teaching the children to reflect, we ensure they dig deep and connect their learning to ensure it sticks, and can be applied in the future.
A clear progression of PSHE skills through a spiral SCARF programme of study ensure that learning is built upon as the themes of ‘Me and My Relationships’, ‘Valuing Difference’, ‘Keeping Myself Safe’, ‘Rights and Responsibilities’, ‘Being my Best’ and ‘Growing and Changing’ are revisited each year. The skills taught will be amended following consultation with parents, pupils and staff to take into account the age, needs and feelings of our pupils. These are also in line with the 2020 Relationship Education statutory guidance.
PSHE sessions take place weekly and are delivered by class teachers. The SCARF programme of study is used with access to online planning and resources. Staff are encouraged to adapt sessions to meet the needs of their class and to ensure delivery is engaging, yet sensitive, to ensure the right balance is achieved. Games are used as icebreakers and varying techniques to encourage learners to be reflective in their discussions to foster a natural empathy. All contributions are welcomed and children are encouraged to be independent thinkers, learning about themselves as they listen and question the thoughts of others to challenge their own thinking. In addition, some tasks are designed to develop and challenge resilience, encouraging learners to look at the learning journey as a whole and not merely the end product. There is no expectation for written outcomes during sessions but often an individual, group or class activity involving recording may be used to support the learning intention.
Termly, staff use the SCARF online assessment tools to review class progress and the individual progress of key individuals. These may be shared with our school ELSA who works closely with staff to provide more targeted support. To promote and record children’s own reflections on their learning, we use the ‘wearing my SCARF’ self-reflection tools which help children to look back at the learning journey and aid teacher assessment.
PSHE sessions help us to ensure our pupils are independent, resilient and empathetic learners. The carefully planned learning journey throughout their time with us means they have the building blocks in place to be happy and healthy individuals. However, the learning that takes place inside weekly sessions does not stop there. Themes are picked up in lessons, parts of the school day and followed up in assemblies. The climate created helps to ensure children feel safe, have a strong sense of belonging and know there are trusted adults who can help.
PSHE forms a huge part of the EYFS curriculum and is woven into provision as well as being taught more discreetly where needed. Opportunities in everyday play are taken to model and develop skills crucial to ensure children have the solid foundations to be happy and healthy individuals.