A message from Mr Morton

Welcome to the first newsletter of the year. This term seems to have flown by, but we haven’t missed a moment or an opportunity to cram in as much learning and enjoyment as we can. All the children have returned to school full of energy and enthusiasm. Everywhere around our school children have settled into their new classes and built relationships with their new classmates. The Reception children are certainly keeping their Year 6 buddies on their toes as they navigate their first term of ‘big school’.

International Languages Day and World Poetry Day kicked off our wider curriculum learning for the term. All the children sang and spoke in our assembly to the school in a multitude of languages from around the world. This was swiftly followed by Years 5 & 6 collaborating with children from all over Great Britain in a Guinness World Record attempt for the most people collaborating in a poetry lesson at the same time. The lesson was live streamed, and all our children and the teachers joined in. We will let you know if we get a mention in the record book!

World Mental Heath Awareness Day (Wear a bright colour) was a hit, with all the children filling our school with colour and smiles. Sessions throughout the day gave the children time to focus on their own mental health and to understand how to keep themselves well, whilst being aware of those around them. Ending the day with our second golden ticket event made the day even more special. Thank you to everyone who purchased a bar. I can’t wait to see who is joining the King and Queen for a private lunch this time.

We have spent some time introducing our new Castle values focus for the year. The Castle 4 C’s. The poster attached shares with everyone in our school community what we value and how we help to make our school and the wider world better. Lots more information to follow on this over the coming terms.

‘Project Playtime’ is off to a great start. The new play equipment and the structure of each daily play session is allowing for all the children to get involved in play that they are interested in. Adults around the playground are facilitating team games, role-play, crafts and a variety of physical activities. The new gigantic sandpit is a hit with, on average, 15 children tunnelling and building daily. Please do continue to donate any dress up clothes, buckets and spades, large cardboard boxes, plastic tarpaulins etc to keep it all evolving. Our next project is to remove the tin shed from the corner of the playground and to build an outdoor stage area for all our budding performers. We are looking for volunteers who are motivated to help with this over a weekend next half term. Please let the office know if you are willing and able to help.

Enjoy your half term break and we look forward to welcoming you all back in November.

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Castle Primary School
Castle Street
Stoke Sub Hamdon
TA14 6RE
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Castle Primary School is proud to be part of the Cabot Learning Federation. 
Registered Company: Cabot Learning Federation
Company No: 06207590