Accessibility Policy

This policy is presented in HTML to support accessibility needs and to work across multiple platforms. A full PDF copy is also available below.
Date Approved - November 2024
Review Frequency - Every three years
Date of Next Review - November 2027
Full PDF Policy

History of Recent Policy Changes





Origin of Change


Policy Statement

The Equality Act 2010 requires Castle Primary School to publish an accessibility plan. The plan must cover school’s actions to improve accessibility in 3 key areas:

  • increased access to the curriculum for disabled pupils;
  • improvements to the physical environment to increase access to education and associated services at the academies for disabled pupils; and
  • improvements in the provision of information for disabled pupils where it is provided in writing for non-disabled recipients.

This plan is to be adequately resourced, effectively implemented and regularly reviewed and revised as necessary, at least every three years.

At Castle Primary School we are committed to ensuring equal treatment for all, including those with any form of disability. By ‘all’ we mean anyone involved in the school community including employees, pupils, parents, carers and governors.

We will reduce and eliminate the barriers to accessing the curriculum and will ensure full participation in the school community for pupils, and prospective pupils, with a disability. We will reduce and eliminate barriers to adults with a disability, be they staff, parents, carers, governors and all prospective individuals to ensure their full participation in the life of the school.

We aim to develop a culture of inclusion and diversity in which people feel confident about disclosing their disabilities in the certain knowledge that they will receive a positive and supportive response which facilitates their full participation in the full range of activities offered by our school.

We seek to foster a positive response to disability among all members in our school community and to eliminate bullying, harassment or the less favourable treatment of people with disabilities wherever and whenever it is likely to occur.

The school recognises and values parents’ knowledge of their child’s disability and its effect on their ability to carry out normal activities, and respects the parents’ and child’s right to confidentiality.

The school provides all pupils with a broad and balanced curriculum, differentiated and adjusted to meet the needs of individual pupils and their preferred learning styles, and endorses the key principles in the National Curriculum 2014 Framework:

  • Promoting the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of pupils at the at the school and of society
  • Preparing pupils at the school for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life.

Although this plan is a requirement for pupils, the school also has duty to staff and visitors, who will benefit from any amendments, in particular in relation to the building access.


Castle Primary School is committed to:

  • Demonstrating a commitment to developing access to the school for all pupils
  • Reflecting the views, wishes, aspirations and concerns of parents and pupils and be based on a culture of high expectations for all
  • Reflecting an understanding of other legislation that provides protection to children, such as that on race, human rights and health and safety
  • Being guided by the National Curriculum Inclusion Statement and the aims set out for the school curriculum
  • Supporting a problem-solving approach and a commitment to the effective and sustainable use of resources
  • Using information from audit and other data collection approaches validated by research
  • Showing how the school plan is coordinated with the LA’s strategy
  • Embedding accessibility within the school improvement process
  • Making explicit links with the work of other agencies
  • Including a clear evaluation strategy.

School Context

Castle Primary School

Castle is a mainstream school for children aged 2-11years. The school compromises of three main buildings plus one separate, more modern classroom; all are single storey. Originally built in the 19th century, the school’s buildings have been extended and adapted over the last years. There are different levels within the school with steps to different parts of the building. Access for those using a wheelchair is often difficult and certain parts of the building are currently inaccessible.

Current Practice

We aim to ask about any disability or health condition in early communications with new parents and carers as part of our school admission procedure.

The main entrance to the school has a wide door and a wheelchair ramp is available when needed. There are disabled toilet facilities available, fitted with a handrail and a pull emergency cord. The school has internal emergency signage and escape routes are clearly marked. While classrooms in the top building have no direct wheelchair access from the playground, all are accessible with the use of the wheelchair ramp.

We support pupils with both physical disabilities and learning needs to access areas of the curriculum they find difficult. Where PE is a challenge for physically impaired pupils, we seek expert advice for identified individual needs.

We consult with experts when new situations regarding pupils with disabilities are experienced.

Our key aims are to provide:

  • Full access to the curriculum
  • Full access to the physical environment
  • Full access to information

Accessibility Plan

Castle Primary School’s accessibility plan is set out below. The plan will be published on the school website.

Contact Us

Castle Primary School
Castle Street
Stoke Sub Hamdon
TA14 6RE
Contact Us
Castle Primary School is proud to be part of the Cabot Learning Federation. 
Registered Company: Cabot Learning Federation
Company No: 06207590