This Asbestos Management Plan sets out the actions taken within TRLP school premises to manage Asbestos Containing Materials (ACMs) in accordance with The Control of Asbestos Regulations (CAR).
A copy of this plan will be held in an electronic central folder which can be found in the relevant drive
The premises asbestos survey and register, in addition to any other relevant information as detailed in the school’s guidance, is held online, and can be found here:
The admin user name and password can be provided on request to the school office or the TRLP Operations Manager.
A laminated sheet containing a QR code link to the register, and suitable login details is held in the school office and shown to all contractors carrying out work at the premises.
This plan has been approved by the Trustees of The Redstart Learning Partnership.
To ensure school employees, pupils, contractors and visitors to the premises do not disturb ACMs and are safe from potential exposure, the following effective asbestos management procedures are in place:
Asbestos Management Plan
TRLP has appointed the Heads of School as the legally designated Duty Holder (unless an alternative person has been identified and appointed by the Board).
The following members of staff have been nominated by “The Board of Trustees” to be responsible for managing asbestos on the school’s premises.
Member from each school site – Heads of School
Where asbestos containing materials (ACMs) have been damaged, or materials/suspected deterioration are identified during inspection processes the school will instigate the emergency procedure below.
The Asbestos Team Safety Manager/CFM Team will then provide professional advice and guidance as necessary. This may include, but is not limited to, inspecting the damage reported, arranging an air monitoring test and arranging and managing any associated remedial works required
Maintain controlled access to the area until such time as formal clearance has been confirmed.
Maintain good communication with school staff and relevant other parties, providing updates as necessary, to ensure the access arrangements are not breached.
The asbestos survey provides accurate information on the location, amount and condition of ACMs. The information in the survey report will be used to form the asbestos register which is a key component of the management plan for the school.
The school will ensure that an up-to-date copy of the asbestos survey/register is available at all times.
This will be kept online using the MG3 Environmental Ltd Portal.
The areas of the school which have asbestos containing materials (ACMs) that require management will be noted from the asbestos register within the asbestos survey report. A copy of the asbestos register is attached to this document. Controls for specific high risk areas identified are included later in this plan at Section 4.0 (Control measures for specific areas identified).
Where ACMs have been identified, the person/s named earlier in this plan as being responsible for managing asbestos will ensure that the materials are capable of being identified visually by all staff and contractors using the following:
All staff within the school will be provided with relevant information on:
All new/temporary staff are to be of advised (on induction) of the whereabouts of the register. Any concerns regarding Asbestos in the workplace should be raised with the appropriate staff member.
All TRLP premises staff will receive annual asbestos awareness training. Records of all training received will be recorded in ‘Every’.
TRLP schools will ensure formal visual inspections of all known ACMs are carried out as stipulated within the asbestos register, recording the details of such inspections using a suitable proforma (see Appendix 1 for a template).
Any damaged or deteriorated materials found will be reported according to the procedures detailed earlier in this plan at Section 3.3 (Damaged ACMs / Emergency Procedure).
Everyone attending the school to carry out any works will be required to access and review the asbestos survey, register and plan before undertaking any work.
This will be provided by the person/s responsible for managing asbestos or other relevant member of staff within the school.
All contractors undertaking any work will be required to sign that they have reviewed the asbestos survey, register and plan using Appendix 2 below.
Where there are ACMs that are to be worked on or nearby, no work will take place until an appropriate method statement of work is produced and the Permit-to-Work procedures detailed in Appendix 3 duly authorised and implemented.
Emergency Services
Emergency Services personnel attending site must be given access to the asbestos survey, register and plan on arrival.
Where the school commissions any construction works involving an upgrade, refurbishment or demolition work, a refurbishment or demolition survey will be undertaken as necessary to locate and describe, as far as is reasonably practicable, all ACMs in the area where the work will take place.
This will be undertaken in accordance with the requirements of the Health and Safety Executive guidance HSG264.
Where necessary, the school will seek further advice and guidance from Somerset Scientific Services on the contact details specified earlier in this plan.
The school will ensure that any works undertaken involving ACMs will be carried out within the requirements of the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012. Guidance from the Health and Safety Executive can be found at:
Control measures will be detailed in the method statement provided by the contractor.
Where ACMs are to be removed or encapsulated etc, TRLP Operations Manager (OM) will be contacted prior to any such works taking place and provided with a copy of the contractor’s method statement etc. The OM will confirm they are happy for the school to proceed and will update their records accordingly.
The school asbestos register will be updated accordingly following completion of the asbestos related works.
Where the school requires further guidance in relation to the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012, the support of the TRLP OM will be sought.
This section outlines specific control measures adopted by the school, which are outside of the normal adopted practices, for ACMs which staff, visitors, emergency services attending site and/or contractors must be made aware.
No Specific control measures in place outside of the normal adopted practices.
Good: No visible damage; review at next inspection date
Low: A few scratches or surface marks but no signs of asbestos debris; review at next inspection date for further signs of deterioration
Medium: Significant breakage of materials or several small areas where material has been damaged; encapsulation works likely – follow the emergency procedure
High: Visible asbestos debris; environmental clean and encapsulation works likely – follow the emergency procedure
Appendix 2: Contractor Review of Asbestos Register/Survey
This sheet should be signed by all those carrying out repair/maintenance work on the premises (including voluntary workers or staff) that will involve disturbing the fabric of the premises.
Persons signing this sheet are signing to say that they have seen the Asbestos Register and Management Plan and checked that whether there is any known or presumed asbestos in the area in which they are working.
Where an asbestos containing material is suspected, no work should be carried out until all relevant procedures have been carried out as detailed in this plan.
To be used when any work on/near asbestos containing materials is to take place