Education and Childcare Fees Policy

This policy is presented in HTML to support accessibility needs and to work across multiple platforms. A full PDF copy is also available below.
Date Approved - March 2023
Review Frequency - Biennial
Date of Next Review - March 2025
Full PDF Policy

History of Recent Policy Changes





Origin of Change



This fees policy forms part of the contract with the parents/carer and The Redstart Learning Partnership (TRLP), Redstart Road, Chard, Somerset, TA20 1SD.

This policy has been formed following the guidance of the Somerset Code of Practice for delivery of Early Years Entitlement for eligible two, three and four year olds.

TRLP operates a service which is fair and competitively priced. We aim to offer high quality, safe and stimulating environments that provides parents with good value for money.

Each school website sets out information about opening times and hours, fee prices and ages of children they will accept for nursery and other childcare provision.

Fees and charges are reviewed each year by the TRLP Business Committee as part of the budget setting process. Fees and charges are updated annually, with effect from 1 September each year and are published on each school’s website no later than 1 June, giving parents three months’ notice of any changes.

Nursery Provision

TRLP is registered as an early years provider with Somerset County Council and operates within the terms of the Somerset Local Provider Agreement. Full details can be found on the Somerset County Council website by searching for “early years entitlement”.

Nurseries are only open during term time. Nurseries are not open on Bank Holidays or school INSET days (dates published on the school website).

Once confirmed, changes to hours attended should only take place at the beginning of each half term, preferably with four weeks’ notice. Whilst the nursery manager will make every effort to accommodate parent’s preferences, staff to child ratio requirements may limit flexibility.

TRLP requires 4 weeks notice, in writing, to cancel a place. Fees will still be payable during the cancellation period, regardless of whether the child attends the sessions. If 4 weeks notice is not given, fees will still be charged in lieu of notice, and EYE hours still claimed. This may affect the ability to claim EYE hours at another provider.

Early Years Universal Entitlement for three and four year olds

All 3 and 4 year old children are eligible for free nursery provision (the Early Years Entitlement) for a maximum of 570 hours each year, equivalent to 15 hours a week for 38 weeks. This will start the funding period after a child’s third birthday.

The maximum free entitlement is 15 hours a week, with no more than 10 hours in a single day. Normally the minimum number of hours of provision in a day will be 2.5. The school will set out clearly on the nursery section of their website if their policy differs from this.

Each TRLP school has nursery provision for three and four year olds and will claim funding for the free entitlement from Somerset County Council and will require the following:

  • A copy of the child’s birth certificate or passport
  • A signed Child Registration Form
  • A completed and signed Parent’s Declaration Form each funding period

Parents can decide to access the free entitlement in up to three different settings, provided the total does not exceed 15 hours a week or 570 over the full year.

30 hours Extended Entitlement for three and four year olds

Working parents of three and four year olds will need to meet the criteria to be eligible for the extended entitlement of up to 30 hours a week funded childcare.

Parents must apply for the extended entitlement hours, and other support with childcare costs, through the government’s Childcare Choices website. If successful, the nursery will need to see the following:

  • The 11-digit eligibility code provided by the Childcare Choices service
  • A copy of the child’s birth certificate or passport, to show the child’s legal name and date of birth
  • The parent’s name and National Insurance number

The nursery will need to verify the code with the local authority and, in order to confirm a place, the nursery will also need a completed and signed Parent’s Declaration Form.

Free provision for two year olds

Families with 2 year old children who meet the criteria can apply for funding for 2 year olds. This will pay for a place for up to 570 hours over the year. A maximum of 15 hours per week is available. Children become eligible in the funding period after their second birthday.

Parents must first apply to the local authority and, if successful, show a copy of the confirmation letter to the nursery when enquiring about whether a place is available. Not all TRLP schools are able to take two year olds. The local authority will confirm the list of approved providers at the same time as confirming eligibility.

Paying for extra hours

Each half term, the hours to be attended are totalled and fees are payable for additional hours, over and above the free entitlement. This could include provision for new starters in advance of the start of the term in which the child is eligible for the free entitlement or where 15 hours have been attended across the full year (39 weeks), exceeding the free entitlement by the equivalent of one week.

The invoice will set out clearly the hours provided and the free entitlement claimed. Payment is required in advance.

Where a child accesses provision at more than one setting, TRLP will liaise with the other setting(s) and the free entitlement will be allocated in proportion to hours at each setting.

Free entitlement hours will continue to be claimed for a short period of absence. If the absence is likely to be prolonged or recurring, parents should contact the nursery to discuss fee payment and free entitlement.

If the nursery closes due to an emergency situation, such as snow, flooding or heating failure, all fees will still be payable (and free entitlement hours will be claimed). Fees will be charged for additional hours agreed, regardless of whether the child attends.

A Late Collection charge will be levied, equivalent to an additional hour plus 25%. This will be added to the next invoice. The school may be able to accommodate a late collection within an existing session, in which case only the fee for the session will be charged.

The current nursery fees at TRLP Nurseries are set out at appendix 1.

Paying for extra services and activities

A school may make additional services available, for example, meals or optional extras. Charges for these will be set out clearly on the school’s website and will never be a condition of access to the free entitlement.

TRLP does not charge for deposits, registration fees, booking fees, administration charges or retainers.

Charges for additional services will be included in the half termly invoice and are payable in advance.

Breakfast and After School Clubs

Where TRLP schools offer wraparound childcare through Breakfast or After School Clubs, details about booking and fees will be clearly set out on the school’s website or via the online booking and payment system.

Payment for Breakfast and After School Clubs should be made in advance, at the time of booking.

Paying for childcare

Payments for early years and childcare provision can be made in one of the following ways:

  • Online payment
  • Childcare Vouchers
  • Tax-free childcare or tax credits – full details are available on the Government’s Childcare Choices website
  • Cash or cheque paid to the school office (exceptional circumstances)

An invoice from TRLP provision will set out the date by which payment is due. A reminder letter will be sent or phone call made, with payment expected within one week. If payment is still not made (within 14 days of the due date on the invoice), a meeting will be arranged to discuss debt recovery and agree a payment plan, with the agreement recorded in writing and signed by the school and the parent.

If an agreed payment plan is not adhered to, TRLP reserves the right to suspend access to childcare provision until payment is received. Fees will continue to accrue during this period and remain due.

If payment is not made within a month of suspension, the place will no longer be held, the contract terminated and the debt will be chased through legal channels.

Appendix 1: The Current Nursery Fees at all TRLP Schools with a Nursery Provision (from September 2022)

£5.40 per hour for 2 year olds

£4.60 per hour for 3 and 4 year olds

NOTE: Please note that where a child turns 3 years old during the course of a term,
we will continue to charge at the two-year-old hourly rate for the duration of that
term. The lower hourly rate will commence from the term following the child’s 3rd

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Castle Primary School
Castle Street
Stoke Sub Hamdon
TA14 6RE
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Castle Primary School is proud to be part of the Cabot Learning Federation. 
Registered Company: Cabot Learning Federation
Company No: 06207590